Ask Maxine | June Edition
Not unlike acclaimed advice columnists like Dear Abby and Ann Landers, Maxine is a rambunctious golden retriever who relates to dogs of all breeds, shapes and sizes. Her prowess as a master shoe-eater has inspired a new generation of sneaky dogs. Maxine lives with her parents Cathy and Kevin, owners of Maxline Brewing in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Dear Maxine: Summer is coming which means thunderstorms. Thunder is the WORST! Any advice for my hoomans to help keep me calm?
-Lucy in Fort Collins (#notreadyforthis)
Dear Lucy: I hear ya buddy! We pups are especially sensitive to thunder. My hoomans do the following to calm me down:
1. Distractions—play some calming music or play with your pup and give them some treats (the latter option is Maxine approved ?)
2. Thundershirts—these tight jackets provide a sensation of pressure which can be soothing (think swaddling a baby)
3. Doggy Xanax—consult your vet but these pills might do wonders during a thunderstorm.
4. Head to the basement or another room in the house where outside noise is muffled
Good luck, Lucy!
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