Month: May 2019

Fresh Faces

You may have seen some new faces in the taproom recently. We’re thrilled to introduce you to the newest members of the Maxline family. Welcome Brian, Jenna and Leo!

Brian Wells, Lead Brewer

Brian is our resident East-coaster (he hails from Maynard, Massachusetts) who started home brewing 15 years ago. After graduating UMass Amherst, Brian and his wife headed west towards the Rocky Mountains where he landed a job with Left Hand working the dock and eventually moved over to brewing. We’re honored to be included in your beer journey, Brian. Now get to brewing!  

New Beertenders!

Jenna Evelhair

One thing important to note about Jenna is that it’s impossible for her not to smile while pouring you a beer. Beyond her infectious smile, Jenna enjoys all things creative, which include crocheting, photography and dancing. Jenna likes her jokes how she likes her pizza…cheesy

Leo Bradley

Leo has called Colorado home for nine years where he enjoys all the outdoor things such as mountain biking and skiing. When he’s not hanging with his dog Charlie or attending the occasionally jam band show, Leo will be serving you delicious beer at Maxline.  
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